Stainless Steel audio racks?

Can anyone tell me where I might look to find audio quality stainless steel racks. I know there is a manufacturer in Italy that sells them, but I can't find their web sight. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance. Bruce
the first thing I thought of was the manufacturer's directory which lists Bell Ogetti and has no info. Don't know if that's the manufacturer you're after but if you cantact the Italian Consulate, which has to have a web site, they will, I'm sure, say benvenutto!
We have purchase a few Bell'Oggetti racks. The one we have in our listening room is the Alto Evoluto AR-711 Audio. It's not a lot of fun to assemble, but once it's done...... Here is email addresses of two sales reps we used at - (John) or (Sebastian) . If you are interested, he may be able to help. or 1-925-686-9945. Good luck!
The coolest steel racks I've ever seen are by Scroer & Schroer They do distribute to the US, they are somewhat limited in the number of components they handle, but you'll find none better looking!
The URL I have for Bell'o seems to be dead ( You can find some of their items at or other internet retailers. You might also want to look at and for some different styles.
There is a company in Wisconsin known as Stratus.
Check out the galactic line. It is really beefy and modern. All glass and stainless.