New tubes every year...or every five? ?

I may get thrown off this forum, referred to an ear specialist and sent to Circuit City to replace my system, but it recently occured to me that I did not change the tubes in my recently dumped Jadis JPL pre amp for 5 years! There is no on/off switch on this pre amp but there is a "stand by" switch which was always on. I would say I listened to the system for only an hour or so a week. Since trading my Apogee stages for Martin Logan SL3's about 3 years ago, I rarely listened to the system and found it uninvolving and a little fatiguing and bright. It didn't necessarily sound bad -- I thought I just needed to buy a new D/A or go back to LPs. Is it possible that my very light use and the standby switch would give the tubes such a long lifespan or would a change of tubes have dramatically improved the sound? Maybe I should have kept the system?!? Oh well, more fun to buy new stuff...
CWlondon, hi! I have a Jadis front end for about five years now. I listen dayly from one to three hours plus one hour warm up time. I use Telefunkens salvaged from old gear, however paired and measured for noise in my headamp and the phonopart in the pre. Never changed a tube so far. The other day, after a cleaning frenzy, I put in a back up set of the same tubes just for a try and listened a whole Saturday afternoon. Afterwards I happily put my old set back in. Now the question arises: Is it the Telefunkens, is it the Jadis design or should I have my ears examined?
Cwlondon, Detlof & others, we'll get a quantity discount for the examination or the hearing aids... I had a Jadis front end with Sylvanias. I sold this back in 1991. The buyer subsequently sold to a friend of mine and, there I was, staring at the same old Jadis about two months ago. Same old Sylvanias, too. Now how about that... (my friend does have a set of brand new Golden Dragons sitting in a drawer)
In my experience, when a preamp needs a new tube, you'll know it: noise, tube 'rush' etc. Not subtle. Plus, don't you have access to a tube tester?
Hi Gregm, what a great story! What we should probably get, is a tube tester with the necessary charts, then we could objectify what we hear. If remember correctly, there was a thread also about Jadis and the Aesthetix Io where Albert Porter told us, that he also had his Io switched on 24/7 and that after a year he remeasured his tubes with hardly a change for the worse. Memory may trick me here, but I think that was the gist if his message. Great thread, by the way!
Musicslug, true what you say, but then there is also tube aging with its slow and gentle deterioration, which is indeed hardly noticable. Generally you only realise the need for change when you have indeed done so. That's what's bugging us. So right you are, all the more there is need for a tube tester. Not for compulsion neurotics though, because they might test tubes more than using them for enjoyment. All the same: Anyone got an idea of a reliable source for them ? (t.testers..not c.neurotics)