Jokes of and about audiophiles

We mostly take us very seriously. Being passionate about something is an earnest undertaking. Why not some comic relief then? I just wonder, if there are any audiophile jokes in existence, like say, those about viola players amongst musicians. Jokes about, against, from audiophilia? If not, how about some creative writing and inventing? We should laugh more, I find and a bit of selfirony can be very relaxing und is hence good for hearing acuity.
2 audiophiles talking. 1st one says, "Did you hear the sad news about Bob; he died of a sudden illness." 2nd audiophile says, "That's so sad, what did he have?" 1st audiophile replies, " Krell, Thiel, Theta, and Nordost."
How long does it take for an audiophile to change a light bulb?

Answer : Forever, because he can't get past the double blind testing.
how many audiogon posters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

seven: one to actually put the bulb in the socket, five to determine whether the cable running to the lamp will affect the quality of the light output and the last to argue that cables are meaningless without a light meter that will measure in millionths of candle power.
The audiophile, on his way to his Linn dealer to have his LP12 adjusted and tweaked for the 50th time, stops at the bank to make a quick cash withdrawal. Figuring that it will only take a couple of minutes he leaves his precious 'table in full view on the back seat of his car. He runs into the bank. Upon returning to his car he notices that one of the windows has been smashed. Oh no!!! he cries in despair and when he looks in he sees: TWO LP12's.
Q: How can you tell that the audiophile is sitting in the sweet spot and that his listening chair is perfectly level? A: He's drooling out of both sides of his mouth.