Impulsive audio purchase

While browsing the "new today" offerings I came across 2 LP's I've always admired. before I knew what was happening my brainstem took over and I made a deal to purchase them. Afterwards reality set in and I realized I don't own a turntable and haven't for 20 years, I don't own a pre-amp, and my audio stand can't fit any more equipment. Am I insane or are ther others who have made a similarly impulsive decision? If you have did you later regret it? [ps-anyone got any suggestions on how I can explain this to my wife?
Ghostrider is right on. A good deal comes along on something that i was interested in and WHAM, i'll take it. A perfect case in point: I have a Marantz Model 8 that i bought in the middle of last year. It's still sitting, collecting dust.

As to Sarah, are you single ??? : ) We sound like a match. Only problem is that we would probably run out of room with all of the extra gear that both of us have acquired : ) Sean
You are not alone. Once in a while my sensibilities take a vacation and I bid on an auction that looks like it might be a good deal. I have hit some real winners (Linn Index Monitors), and a few pieces of **** (AMC amp). Don't give up, most people who have this hobby are decent and honest, and for thoose who aren't, we learn from our mistakes.
Hi Sean, no I'm not single, but if I had hooked up with another audiophile not only would our house not have enough rooms, we would also run out of money FAST. Right now, I am down to two excellent systems, one on each floor of my townhouse (why the need for a stereo in every room? you tell me), and no extra equipment stashed under the beds, in the basement, or in the attic. I am proud of myself. for now.