The Lengths You ve Gone Through

Anyone have stories of the ridiculous things you've done upon getting a new piece of equipment? My 2 monents of glory, got a pair of Martin Logans from a dealer but didnt get home till 1230am when the family was all sleeping. I had to have those set up that night, so I managed to carry those 125lb beasts up a flight of stairs without waking up a soul and without any interior wall damage. Another time, I walked 1/4 mile from my car to the home with a Krell Kma 100 mono in each arm.
My wife and I looked at 500 houses aiming to upgrade our listening room and included an evaluation by an audio engineer as a formal contingency inspection in our offer. Once we moved in (as part of our earthquake retrofit) we had an additional 6 cubic yards of reinforced concrete poured and subfloor bracing put in our crawl space as "speaker stands" to decouple our Dunlavy SC-V's from the listening room floor.
Justlisten, how much can you bench press??? Carrying two Krells, even KMA 100s, for a 1/4 mile is an Olympian feat!
Unbelievable about the Krell monos and the concrete.
I once demoed a pair of ML Aerius from a dealer about a half an hour's drive from my apartment. My 4-dr saab has a foldable back seat, so I assumed the boxed pair would fit, then came to realize they wouldn't. Fifteen minutes from when the dealer closed, I had to put one in the car, drive home, unload it, and come back for the other one!
The worst was I had to repeat the process upon returning them; I liked them but they were too big for my little room....