Blu-Tack where to Buy?

Anyone know if Blu-Tack is available at the bigger Office Depot type places?? I live near San Francisco.
I think the product you need is Fun*Tak. This is manufactured by DAP, the people who make all the drywall and caulk products. Fun*Tak comes in a see through blister pack, with about 1 oz. (28 grams) of material for a couple of bucks. If you need help in finding it, call the DAP help line at 1-800-DAP-TIPS. Personally I like it better than the original Blutack, I use this in my audio system as well as in my photo studio, to prop up impossible shots. I have about 10 packages laying around at all times. Hope the info and phone number help.
I work for a British company and the technicians use Blue tack for equipment demos and preparing samples. They say the cost in England is about $1.50 US. The inflated price here is because it's beig marketed as an 'audiophile product'. Voodoo once again......
You might want to check another option: look for a Henkel product: Pritt Tak. This is what I use because Blue Tak can not be found in my country.
There is also a product called Museum Wax, for securing knick-knacks in earthquake-prone regions like CA. About 6 bucks for a half-pound jar!
thanks all, i picked up some "tac n stik" for $1.29. Its blue and it isn't tearing off the rosewood veneer of my speakers!