Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
bbloom, is it norman rockwell?

david, no it's not limp bizkit, and, not to worry, no negative wotes for guessin'... ;~)

doug s.

oops, a quick search came up w/edward hopper, blbloom - is dat cheatin'? ;~)
Hint on the XTC question; isn't it the same name as one of Steve Earle's backing bands?

Two more Beatles trivia questions: (1) Name the first Beatles song to "feature" a musician other than John, Paul, George, and Ringo; (2) Name a Beatles song that featured none of the fab four playing instruments; and (3) name the other one (at least that I can recall).