Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
Sedond, excellent, two points for you. I can't believe anyone ever did a cover of that song! Angela, as Kelly said, Alice's Restaurant is set at Thanksgiving (that's two years ago this Thanksgiving), so the stations picked it up. Back in high school, I actually at one time memorized that song, and can still play the guitar part. With WNEW-FM an all-talk station now, I don't know if there's a station here in NYC that plays it--maybe NPR?
Rcprince. The best radio station in NYC, is public radio from Fordham U., WFUV, 90.7. It is listener supported, public radio. A number of the djs from WNEW's best days, are working there now, although I prefered the station with lesser knowns. I am certain Vin Sclesa or Pete Fornatele will play Alice's Restaurant. You can hear the station on the web, as they have Streaming Audio, at It is definately worth a listen.
Thank you Blbloom--I can probably get it from Glen Ridge, my tuner is excellent at picking up weak signals and I've got one of those motorized roof antennas to get the best signal available. Now if I don't sleep in on Thanksgiving...... Oh, and Angela, thanks for the points! Albert, I'm still racking my brain on the women's underwear, for some reason Roger Daltrey rings a bell?
Sorry I've been away, been recovering from a concussion! Yes, Yesterday started out as "Scrambled Eggs", that's correct. RCprince, there may be something earlier, but the song "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" had the flautist by the name of John Scott.
BTW, another interesting tidbit about Stewart Copeland: What was his father's occupation?