Should Manufacturers Post Prices In Ads

You have $1500 to spend for a preamp and you spot a sexy unit advertised in Stereophile. The ad pitch is compelling so you decide to spend the next 15 minutes of your life calling the company or contacting the website to find an authorized dealer. Guess what happens next ? Your dream preamp sells for $15,000 not $1500 and zap you are back here looking for a used classic. If manufactures had the nerve to post prices on their ads they could save the dealer and us a lot of time and trouble. If this has ever happenede to you how did you feel about it ?
For those of us who were not born with the silver spoon in our mouth, have yet to win the lottery, and are not buying something just because of its name, it is nice to have some idea of the cost of a component before we look or listen. In my limited experience some of the most expensive components and tweaks offer the least improvement of sound.
Not all ads are "retail" oriented, whatever the medium or product category may be. Some advertising is designed to build image and awareness. This is just a fact of life, or at least, advertising and marketing.

This is just about the lamest nit-pick I've seen. Let's see, by your logic we ought to require all advertisers to include prices just so that you don't confuse a $15,000 product with a $1500 one. Get real.
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I don't think all ads must have prices listed, but I like when a manufacturer's website includes retail prices, and many do.