High end dealers in Frankfurt

I'm going to have a little downtime in Frankfurt next week. Any audio retailers there worth visiting?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Wow, the mother lode. Thank you, slawney!

I'm also hoping to find Mephisto shoes in Frankfurt. I love them, but they are $300 here in the U.S. Last Fall I bought a pair for $160 in France (great exchange rate these days).
slawney: i'm looking to be in scotland in september. don't suppose you have a list of highend dealers in glasgow or edinburgh? -kelly
Drubin, your welcome. I only gave you the best addresses, so you won't waste time on disappointments.
Kelly, Glasgow and Edinburgh have not yet been shopped by me. My wife could not put up with me anymore after what happened in London, so I laid low in Scotland. You should have no problem finding the hi end stores: expect Linn, Audio Note, Naim to be the main brands. The addresses are well publicized in the U.K. audio magazines.
slawney: thank you, JAY, for your thoughts. fortunately, the good folks at vantageaudio gave me some leads. BTW, their email server is acting up if anyone's tried to reach them. last time i was in london, i visited a few record shops, hoping to find that rare jewel; they were there, alright, but the prices were outrageous. -kelly
Kelly, was that CD or LP prices -- I remember London being reasonable for CDs (by European -- expensive -- standards, that is). BTW, Paris is even worse on CD prices -- but not bad on LPs, though.
