Re: Dedicated Lines

How many dedicated lines should I use for my system? Do I use 1 for digital, 1 for pre-amp and 1 more for amps?? Also what kind of wire do I purchase?? Thanks, Jel.
I am a big believer in dedicated lines! ... The more the better, but the biggest difference will be with the 1st. I have three: one for the front end and one for EACH of my large Krell amps. (one 20 amp and two 30 amp lines)
As far as your question about one for digital and one for the preamp: I am sure that it wouldn't be a bad idea, but I found that the inexpensive PAC Idos, which separates the digital grunge from the analog equipment, really works.
I ran 12g lines to duplexes, 1 for each amp and 1 that a power supply went in to. Noticeable improvement in virtually all aspects of the sound and dramatically decreased noise floor. This is a huge bang for the buck.
There are already numerous if not multitudes of posts on this subject; please use the search engine to locate them because there is a lot of good material already posted & you won't want to miss it.
I spent around $60 to install 2 dedicated 20 amp breakers and 10 g.Romex to hospital grade outlets.One outlet is for the amp only and the other is for the Preamp and the power conditioner which I plug my T.T. and CDP into.
I consider this a major upgrade sound wise.The noise floor dropped and the improvement in detail and transparency is incredible! I would think it would cost $2-$3 K for this magnitude of improvement!