I don't know how much I'd spend on a system if my resources were unlimited. I'd get better speakers and source components but I'm not sure I'd bother to upgrade my amp and preamp, because I suspect they represent the level where returns start diminishing very sharply. I might, though, want to try tube amplification and be willing to experiment with cables more.
So far the most I've paid for a single component (counting speakers as one component) is US$1000 for the big Tannoys, but then except for cables and the phono cartridge, I've purchased everything used. The Sony CD player cost me $650 (retail $1900), the smaller Tannoys the same ($2000?); the turntables so cheap they were almost free; the tuner $200 ($650), the Pioneer CD player $235 ($1300), the Monarchy pre/dac $250 ($950), the Meitner pre $550 ($2200), the Meitner monoblocs $900 ($3400), the smaller Meitner $400 ($1500). . .
I've always wanted a pair of Tannoy Westminster Royals and I guess that's about as "crazy" as I'd get if I had the money: US$30K plus a year on a waiting list. But of course I'd probably opt for used at half or a third of the price.
The following itemizes my two systems: one in the living room and one in the bedroom.
Sources: Sony CDP-X779ES CD player, Pioneer PD-91 (used as transport)feeding Monarchy Audio 18B DAC; Thorens TD-125-II, Grace 707, Ortofon OM30; Systemdek (no model name or no., but has metal not glass platter), Signet XK-50 arm, Reson Reca cartridge; SAE T-101 tuner.
Amplification: Meitner PA-6 preamp (factory upgraded), Meitner MTR-101 monoblocs; Bryston 11B preamp, Meitner STR-55 power amp.
Speakers: Tannoy System 12 DMT (biwired), Tannoy 3836s with custom crossovers and cabinets (full-range). Both with custom stands made from cedar 4 X 4s, lead sheet, Corian and other goodies.
Cables: Canare StarQuad, DH Labs SilverSonic, XLO Pro 1200; all power cords stock (all "captive" style).
Happy listening all.
So far the most I've paid for a single component (counting speakers as one component) is US$1000 for the big Tannoys, but then except for cables and the phono cartridge, I've purchased everything used. The Sony CD player cost me $650 (retail $1900), the smaller Tannoys the same ($2000?); the turntables so cheap they were almost free; the tuner $200 ($650), the Pioneer CD player $235 ($1300), the Monarchy pre/dac $250 ($950), the Meitner pre $550 ($2200), the Meitner monoblocs $900 ($3400), the smaller Meitner $400 ($1500). . .
I've always wanted a pair of Tannoy Westminster Royals and I guess that's about as "crazy" as I'd get if I had the money: US$30K plus a year on a waiting list. But of course I'd probably opt for used at half or a third of the price.
The following itemizes my two systems: one in the living room and one in the bedroom.
Sources: Sony CDP-X779ES CD player, Pioneer PD-91 (used as transport)feeding Monarchy Audio 18B DAC; Thorens TD-125-II, Grace 707, Ortofon OM30; Systemdek (no model name or no., but has metal not glass platter), Signet XK-50 arm, Reson Reca cartridge; SAE T-101 tuner.
Amplification: Meitner PA-6 preamp (factory upgraded), Meitner MTR-101 monoblocs; Bryston 11B preamp, Meitner STR-55 power amp.
Speakers: Tannoy System 12 DMT (biwired), Tannoy 3836s with custom crossovers and cabinets (full-range). Both with custom stands made from cedar 4 X 4s, lead sheet, Corian and other goodies.
Cables: Canare StarQuad, DH Labs SilverSonic, XLO Pro 1200; all power cords stock (all "captive" style).
Happy listening all.