Mcintosh mc275 or rogue m150/180

I love my current Dennis Had aes six pacs. I just retubed them today with Mullard reissue el34s. But I didn't buy a set of andra speakers I had my eye on because I was worried the amps weren't quite enough juice. As I ponder future improvements I am curious as to thoughts on improving sound and output. My six pacs are my first foray into tube monoblocks and I am hooked. I honestly can't see how they could sound better, but I have made that statement before and been proven wrong.
Bojack...very good point. I have no intention of getting rid of the six pacs. I do however realize their limitations. As my current reference amp they precluded my purchase of a pristine pair of egglestonworks andra ii speakers. They are also a bare recommended minimum for the janszen speakers that I am about to audition. I am leaning towards a set of of mc275 running bridged mono. I was just curious about the bigger rogue amps. Certainly a used set of rogues are more powerful and less costly than the mcintosh. I had even considered Dodd, etc, but I digress.
Just curious regarding the sound differences and if there were other recommendations to get 150w+ tube that is around 8-9 k
The M180 are very nice, but never really impressed me (have auditioned in a few systems, but not owned) like my Apollos. I'd wait to pounce on a used Zeus (which occasionally come up used for very reasonable prices) and re-tube it in KT120s. Then pair with an Athena pre and you'll never again want for more power or quality.

These Rogue amps also really like a good 5751 (e.g. GE black plates) in the phase inverter position, and 12BH7 in place of 12AU7.