Mcintosh mc275 or rogue m150/180

I love my current Dennis Had aes six pacs. I just retubed them today with Mullard reissue el34s. But I didn't buy a set of andra speakers I had my eye on because I was worried the amps weren't quite enough juice. As I ponder future improvements I am curious as to thoughts on improving sound and output. My six pacs are my first foray into tube monoblocks and I am hooked. I honestly can't see how they could sound better, but I have made that statement before and been proven wrong.
You have a very high quality preamp to build your system around and it deserves a good quality amplifier. Of those mentioned, the Quicksilver V4 is a good candidate. These are very well built, point to point wired and use high quality output transformers. Their design is very easy on the output tubes, This company has an excellent reputation for dependability and customer service.
Good luck,
my janszen speakers arrived today and by what I am hearing this all may be a moot point. holy smokes these things are holographic. 94db spikes and I didn't even realize it was loud. we'll see how this continues to flesh out. thanks again for the ideas. I will review more on the quicksilvers. I would still appreciate anyones direct comparisons b/w some of the amps that were recommended.
Oops. Spoke too soon. Ran out of gas with my 60w. The sound is glorious though, just won't reach 100db. Close though 98.9. Btw no I don't listen at those volumes, but I do listen at 90. At 90 there are peaks at the top of what the Sixpacs can do.
I can tell you I have replaced a pair of pass XA100.5's after A/Bing them agains the M180's. I feel pretty confident suggesting the M180's. I can only imagine what a pair of Apollos sound like!
I am reading that rogues are hard on tubes. At their used price I might be willing to try them, but not if I will be retubing frequently.