Help set up OPPO 105

Need assistance with my OPPO 105 and He gel integrated. I like streaming off my OPPO i.e Pandora etc However I want to utilize the Dac on my Hegel over Oppo DAC. What connectors will I need? I was told an Spdif cable is all I need

Step by step be most helpful

Thanks in advance
You'll want to hook up the analog inputs too if you have any SACDs or DVD-Audio discs. Like others have said you should listen to the 105's analog outputs, you may be surprised at how good it sounds.
Thanks for feedback. So regardless of if I'm using the DAC in OPPO or Hegel I only need SPDIF cable and can swap accordingly?
Oddiofyl: If you are using the DAC in the Oppo, you'll need to go out the analog inputs to your pre-amp. If you hookup with only the digital cable, the Oppo DAC will be doing work but you'll not be sending its analog outputs anywhere!

Ditto on the break in time needed for the Oppo (video or analog); both required 500+ hours here at a minimum...