Jazz musicians thrive on public acceptance,they need an audience,they need feedback,they need to test their mettle-constantly.Even the most anti-social,introverted musicians feel this way.One of the most private musicians i ever knew was Warne Marsh,a gifted (beyond words) saxophonist and an improvisor on par with the best.He was a man of few words,but when he did you know it was something of value and a life lesson.I asked him once what part the audience and listener played in his art and i was shocked by his reply..."It is everything to me.The listener is fifty percent of my world" We need to bethere as listeners,as an audience.For Art to suceed it has have it's audience.The value of discourse can't be discounted,and Art must have it's critics and it's public.
Jazz,like boxing,runs the peril of being dominated by lightweights.Where are the heavyweights?
Jazz,like boxing,runs the peril of being dominated by lightweights.Where are the heavyweights?