If you are willing to purchase used, I think you can put something together for the $1000. Watch the classifieds here an AG and dont be afraid to ask questions of the sellers. Pay attention to their feedback. You will need a processor and 5 channels of amplification. Since the video feed can be routed from video player to TV/Projector directly, I would view the audio side of the processor to be most important. Older processors have not held their value and can be had at a fraction of original price, however can still function nicely. For amplification I would try and find a 2 channel and a 3 channel amp.
You might start out with the processor and a 2 channel amp and build from there. I have found 2 channel to work fine for video.
Good luck and keep us posted as to your progress.
You might start out with the processor and a 2 channel amp and build from there. I have found 2 channel to work fine for video.
Good luck and keep us posted as to your progress.