tube amps and electrostatics

What kinds of experiences have people had mating tube amps to electrostatic speakers (full range and/or hybrids)? I love the sound of both separately, but am concerned about the reactance of electrostats with tube power. I already own the CJ CAV-50 and am looking to upgrade my speakers with something in the $2500 range. Thanx, Dave
There's no question that when driving the many ESL's that have impedances descending from high values at low frequencies to very low values at upper treble frequencies nearly all solid state amps will provide an increased emphasis of the upper treble in comparison to nearly all tube amps (assuming the amps being compared are operated within the limits of their voltage, current, power, and thermal capabilities).

Which of those two kinds of amplifier/speaker interactions results in the most correct acoustic output from the speaker is a separate question, however.

-- Al
No he didn't he, used the word "increased emphasis" where he should have used the word "linear", as in flat in regard to frequency response.

Cheers George
Anyone ever heard a decent Icepower amp running newer Quad ESLs? That's something I would like to hear.

When I was auditioning for new speakers a few years back, the Quad ESL demo I got at a local dealer hit the bullseye for the sound I wanted, running of CJ amp gear, save for the punch in the bass not being up to snuff with the best I had heard. I tend to think as that as always the main problem with Quad ESLs at least from what I have read and heard with most any amp out there. The rest is more shades of grey amp to amp.

Increased emphasis for a SS amp versus tube in general sounds right to me. The FR with the SS may well be flatter as well, if not perfectly flat.

HEy but then there there is the old nasty odd order harmonics that muck with our ears due to NF issue with the SS amp for sure.

There may be no single right answer, at least on paper. Only our flawed ears know what they hear for sure always.
Mapman, most Class D's I know off and some I have tested are greatly troubled by loads that go under 3-4ohms, and ESL's can dip to below 1ohm.

Cheers George