McIntosh - is it that great?

I'm just curious if McIntosh gear is all that great. How does their older power amps compare to new products from other high end manufactures? Are there any products I should stay away from. I like the idea of owning vintage McIntosh stuff. Most of their stuff seems pricy. Is it because it's that good or do people just like to collect their products. thanks for you opinions--Matt
In general McIntosh is average sounding equip. Their older power amps, which I have owned a few of, are not as good as older Marantz and Arc equip. Some of the older preamps both tube and ss were worse than the amps. The newer equip is in general better sounding but it depends on the piece of equip.
Sorry I have to disagree with the above posting. I have found vintage Mac tube gear some of the best sounding equipment out there. I prefer the tube over the solidstate but only have heard the older equipment. For an excellent resourse on vintage Mac gear with pictures and specs go to Also an excellent resourse on buying Mac is I have found him fair, honest and he is usually able to track down Mac gear if he doesn't have any in stock.Tell him Bob C. referred you. Good luck and in my opinion you can't go wrong with Mac.
It is hard to beat the Mcintosh 240 tube amp for clarity and reliabilty -= the 275 reissue in stainless is also a very good tube amp - in solid state the new design 352 is better than the levinson 331 I use to have . The earlier models of the 90's don't quite cut it - anything prior to that has muscle and the newer designs are great.
McIntosh almost completely for over 20 yrs. Very reliable equipment and retains its value more than most equipment. I am not an audiofile, but enjoy the benefits of ownership. Can be pricey, but it retains its value. Had and older amp for 20 yrs and just sold thru audiogon and I did not lose much over what I originally paid for it. Not a tube person because I pay my music loud, like ss. I like the crispness of ss. Just bought a used 18 yr old receiver which I plain on keeping for many more yrs. You can relie on it greatly. I like the convenience of what McIntosh offers on its gear. Designed to play music with all the frills included. But you must listen to their amps because they do have a different sound. My older amp had a deep bassy deep throated sound, and my some what newer amp has a less bassy sound. It is more crispy. I like that because I listen to bluegrass, not as much bass. The whole moral is listen before you buy. You will never go wrong with their reliability.