I leave my amp on all the time. A side story to illistrate the issue is with my Proton T.V. It's about 13 years old now and is used by our whole family, this means it goes on and off many times a day. Each time it's turned on the solder and electracal connections heat up and expand. Turning it off again the heated now contract. By cycling through thousands of times on our T.V. it final quite. I took it in, no problem with the componants, the solder joints had cracked. It was $250 to re-solder the mother board and power supply.
So my point is, in the extreme case we can see the damage done. Chances are you'll never own your amp for the approx. 5,000 on off cycles my T.V. experienced, but the same damage is done. The only issue I could see is if it runs in class A it could consumme alot of power just sitting, often times there is a stand-by mode for this issue.
So my point is, in the extreme case we can see the damage done. Chances are you'll never own your amp for the approx. 5,000 on off cycles my T.V. experienced, but the same damage is done. The only issue I could see is if it runs in class A it could consumme alot of power just sitting, often times there is a stand-by mode for this issue.