Help with tube amps

I have recently become quite interested in puying a tube amp. I have no knowledge about tube amps but have been told of the magical sound a tube amp will make. I am looking to be able to put this tube amp into my system once in a while in order to experience this magic with my husband through a night of romantic acoustics every once in a while. Although my budget may seem low ($1000), I am hoping that there are some amps out there that will suit my needs. Amps I have looked at so far: Houston GSP-02, Sonic Frontiers SFS-80, and Decware Zen triode. Looking for any other suggestions and/or advice.
I would also go with Conrad Johnson for that "tube" sound. I like their amps, though have never owned one myself, and the company has a good rep and should always be around if you were to need them. The Decware, though cute, would not push your speakers. Many tube amps, surprisingly enough nowadays do not really have a tube sound to them, though I do not find this to necessarily be a fault and the CJ's do still sound like tubes. Another amp that I have zero experience with, but that looks interesting is the more powerfull EL34 based amp from Music Reference. Anyone have first hand experience with this unit?
Probably one of the best deals out there would be to find a used Quicksilver GLA. Low maintenance. Auto biasing. Well built and sounds great. No longer made but desirable and occasionally for sale.
"Romantic accoustics" seals the deal for Conrad Johnson. That magical caramel tube glow in the midrange would be a good syno match with what you describe you are looking for. CJ has that is spades. Good luck
I used to own a Golden Tube SE-100 (EL-34 based), and just loved the sound. It can be had for about $1000, used. Customer service might be a problem as the company went under, but there seems to be some companies that repair GT gears. Good luck with your search!
Decware's Zen Triode amp will only provide about 2 to 3 watts per/ch., but with the right speakers (93 dB +) it will make wonder why you ever bothered with SS gear. I got a revision "B" from Decware for $425 (the current "C" costs $500) and I have little desire to listen to my 120 w/ch "arc welder" anymore. This amp will show you every weakness in the rest of you system. Currently I have my CD player going direct into the amp (variable input) and it drives full-range drivers (50-14 kHz) in simple bass-reflex cabinets. The lack of a crossover makes a HUGE difference. For the human voice and for jazz ensembles I have not heard better in my system. Imaging and soundstage are amazing. The most remarkable thing is that I used to turn my SS amp up to hear detail, and this is no longer needed with this little gem. If you seek LOUD music playback, with pants-flapping bass, this amp is not for you.
If you're willing to spend some serious cash on high-efficiency speakers (97 dB+) this amp will play loud.

In any case, Steve Deckert is a joy to do business with and his money back guarantee might make your decision easier.

I hope this helps,