Odyssey Tempest pre-amp any good?

Anybody heard the Odyssey Tempest pre-amp? I just bought
a Odyssey Stratus amp (it rocks!) and Klaus called me last
night and said I should try his pre-amp also..(ya gotta love
the guy!) Any thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I already bought a Stratos amp (120.000 uF.) and I just bought the Tempest but Klaus warned me about 10 weeks to have at home.
I'm crossing fingers Tempest will sound so well as Stratos does.
I have had the Odyssey mono's and Tempest for over 2 years and have been very happy with how they sound. I have SoundLab auras which came alive with this combo. The Auras produce more detail, are smoother overall and have a lot more bass with the Odysseys than with other combos I have tried.
I've used many pres, and have not heard a SS pre that was better sounding than the Odyssey Tempest. I replaced that pre only after buying an Audioprism Mantissa tube pre, and spending $600 extra for teflon cap upgrades and top line tubes (making it a pre costing around $1600 total). For the $500 I paid for the Tempest (on Audiogon), it was excellent. AND, it has a pretty good phono stage.