Spica's TC 50 vs. Sound Dynamic RT 3's

I would appreciate suggestions regarding these two speakers. I need something for the office and have narrowed the search to these. Also would appreciate any comments concerning speaker stands and height suggestions for the RT 3's. I'm use to my main system of Quad ESL/Kinergetic subs.
I've read many things about both Spica and Sound Dynamics but haven't met anyone who has any experience with either. Office is the size of medium size bedroom. Anyone out there?
Had the 50's and blew them. Amp was turned up all the way before warming up. Then it powered up.(it wasn't me!)
Replaced them with 60's which have just a little more at the extremes. Ported and a little more punch. Just a little less Spica sounding than the 50's but definitely still Spica's.
Just like to point out these speakers are amazing in my small bedroom, about 10'x 12'. Moved them into my larger den and the sound just collapsed, not just the bass.
I use Spica TC-60's in my main system, but I also have Axiom M3Ti's in a secondary system. If you are considering the RTS-3's, then I would recommend you look at the Axioms, as they have a very refined sound for the money.
While I've not heard either, I have read what Stereophile said about the RTS-3. And, AudioAdvisor has them on sale for 199. So, I'd say get a pair, listen and if you don't like send them back and your only our some shipping costs.
I have both speakers. The Spicas are the better speaker; soundstage better, are more lively sounding and transparent, albeit with less extension on the top and bottom and are less efficient. Spicas are not exactly "small" (RTS-3s take up less space) and need at least 2 feet from the rear wall and need to be on solid stands. The RTS-3s are a little more forgiving in this regard. If this requirement cannot be me, consider a small non-ported speaker that you can mount on the wall, like Gallo or Mirage.
I once had a pair of TC-50's and absolutely loved them until my wife decided to get a cat as a pet. My cat destroyed the speaker by clawing onto the felt and sleeping on the sloping front (I hope you guys can picture it). Grill was destroyed too and tweeter was damaged.

I was lucky to get a replacement diphram for the tweeter (last one) as Audax does not make them anymore in that impedence. Then the other started buzzing (bad news).

Anyways, sold them (5 yrs ago) and still miss them despite having much better speakers. There is something to the sound of the Spica's I miss and cannot be replaced. This is definitely a cult speaker. I am still looking for a pair in mint condition for my second system.

If I were you, I would definitely pick the Spica's but make sure the tweeter is not buzzing as they run the tweeter really HOT because of the felt and sloping baffle (tweeter has to work much harder as the sound is tilted away from the listening position).

Make sure you have good amps to play them so that the lower freqs will not be shy.

Cheers to all TC-50 owners. Great speaker!