Gershmann speakers: Underrated or just average??

Need opinions from anyone who either owns or has recently auditioned Gershmann Acoustics speakers. You hardly see them for sale on the 'GON or under review by the major audio mags. How do they compare with some of the more "visible" names in hi-end speakers?? Or, is Gershmann speakers just another Canadian speaker company like Mission, Energy, MonitorAudio with a predictable "sound" Thank you!!
Although I haven't heard them at length, Gershmann speakers have always been one of the most impressive speakers I've heard at various shows--very transparent, open, dynamic, and musical, and they always make it into my top 5 at any given show. I'd put them up there with the likes of Silverline, VonSchweikert, Thiel, etc. in terms of pure sound and overall build quality and definitely a significant notch higher than the brands you mentioned above(although Energy makes some nice models as well). However, I've heard their customer support is atrocious, so it's important to find a good dealer assuming you can find a dealer. Hope this helps.

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Please do Not pass Of British mediocrity for Canadian made product.
Mission Monitor Audi are not Canadian made speakers.
Gershman are outstanding,like Coincident,Verity, they smoke the competition.They just dont have the funds to take out full page adds.
They put the money in the speaker.Have none left to play the shmuze game.
So Sunnyjim if you want real speakers buy Canadian, if medicore is your bag the US Britsh will suit you fine.
I have the RX 20 Avant Garde and they deliver really great sound particularly in the low end. Looks are great also. Never had a problem.
RX 20 Avant Garde is a beauty.
You can spend 2 3 4 times more and get less.
The bass is very good for such a small foot print.