Which speaker is the master of IMAGING ????

My jaw has only dropped with one system. I was at the Home Entertainment Show in NYC last summer when I was floored. It was the Legend Audio 'The Legend' speakers powered by Legend Audio Nirvana 100 watt Tubed Monoblocks.

OH MY GOD! Till this day, I get chills just thinking about the experience. It was like there was an entire stage filled with people and instruments right in front of me. The best part was when I took my eyes off of this stage to look at the speakers,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU WOULD SWEAR THAT THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON. I have heard other speakers that have exceptional qualities in other areas but I haven't imaging like that since that day.

Any other great imaging speakers out there?
I'm about to embark on the "final frontier", room treatment.
My Meadowlark Blue Herons are the most coherent speakers I've had in my own system, but my 21' x 31' essentially unfurnished basement listening room is very live with significant slap echo problem. It'll be interesting to hear the improvement in imaging from dousing all first order reflections (including ceiling) as well as placing diffusors behind the listening position (front corner bass traps as well). My hope is, after investing about a third what I paid for my used speakers, I'll finally be able to hear how they REALLY image. I'd appreciate comments from any who've successfully taken this approach to maximzing imaging (among other qualities)
Avalon Eidolons driven by Rowland Model 12s is the best I've heard. The soundstage was gigantic. Depth, width, height were all very realistic. In a choral piece (Cantate Domino), not only could you easily distinguish the left to right position of each singer, you could tell which singers were on risers.
The best I heard was Kharma driven by Tenor amps with all Meitner digital and SME analog thru a Manley Steel Head phono set up with all the cables Nordost Valhala. I wet myself.(drool)
I agree with Tubegroover.

Merlin VSM-Milleniums are truly exceptional in the imaging/soundstaging department. I've had some owners claim you had to spend $20K to get something better.
Don't know about the best, but I bet Spica Angelus are the best imaging you can get (used) for $500 or less. With the caveat that I don't spend much time in hifi shops I have not heard any speaker image better than the spicas for anywhere near their price.