Polk SDA Speaker info needed...

I've got some older Polk SDA 1A dimensional array speakers and people are telling me that the sound is much better when you use the cable that connects the two speakers together. Can anyone varify this and also tell me how I might hook mine up just for a listen without having the polk cable? Thanks..
I use to own a large pair of the Polk speakers (I forget the model number). They do sound better when they interface with each other. The ends that connect into the speaker are specialized and you must purchase them in order to run a cable between the speakers. You could call the Polk service department for the necessary information.
Sometime back I had a pair of similar speakers and they do need to be connected between the two speakers through an "umbilical cable" which was quite ordinary wire but with special plugs. On a temporary basis, you should be able use 18 guage wire to which you can tin the ends with solder to fatten them to the approximate size of the connector at the speaker end and help secure it with some tape. If you're unable to find the plugs, you can figure out how best to secure your connection more permanently with a more sophisticated tape application. For my own needs, I needed to extend the original cable and did so by adding wire in this fashion. Good luck.
The "SDA" part of those speakers designs only worked with the cable connected. If you don't use it, you'll have at least 2 drivers per speaker NOT working.
You asked the same questions and received the same answers on the Polk site. What, do you think they don't know what they are talking about??? Buy the damn cable from Polk, it's only about $40.00 and if you ever sell the speakers it will make the sale much easier.

BTW, songwriter is correct, you're not even using all the drivers without the interconnect cable, just image how much better they will sound with all the drivers working!!!
I've got to laugh at myself.....wrote image instead of imagine. Could have been because I had thoughts of that magic SDA imaging in mind, could have been something else.

I had to borrow this....for you Tic, "Even though it came from the horse's mouth, I didn't like the answer, so I asked a goat."