Maggie's and cats

I am thinking of taking the plunge on a pair of Maggie 1.6's for my second system (surround system). They seem like the best sound I can get for the money. I have two great reservations however named Heebee and Geebee.......... my two cats. I had the speakers home for a couple of days for audition with no troubles, but can just imagine walking in the door one night to find they have been turned into a huge jungle gym/scratch post by my two manx'. Is anyone out there in a similar situation? Has anyone found any solutions to the problem. Up until now I had not even considered these speakers for this very reason; thing is I really like the sound (and value).

There is a product that allows you to place a perimeter around the speakers (or any other object), the cat(s) wear a special collar, and if they approach the speakers, they hear a tone that increase in pitch & frequency the closer they get, if they cross the perimeter, they get a shock. You can vary the shock intensity with a variety of plug in resistors. You should be able to find these at major pet discount warehouses, Google searching, etc.

You can also make a perimeter of upside down mouse traps that will scare them from the speakers (but you need to keep resetting them as snapped in order to be effective).
spray cayote urine once a month on your Maggies. It'll keep your furry felines away. It may start to stink a little, but hey, you'll get used to it....
This is exactly how an Audiogon thread should be.

No arguing or duplicate answers or solid state versus tube camps.

Every damn answer is unique and helpful!
Except for YOURS GUNBEI!


WAY TO MESS THINGS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!