GMA Callisto feedback Green Mountain Audio

Anyone else breaking in a pair of these speakers? I have a pair with about 24 hours on them, and I hear moments of spectacular sound, but not yet at low listening levels. I know 200 hours is the magic break-in time period.

See my system under "Leahy" listed under "evolving system" for other system details.

Let me know if you would like updates as these break in...
Thanks for the update. I would be vedy interested in your comments about how the "character" of the two speakers differs: Do you have the same "hall position" with both? Is the Callisto more "refined" (naturalness, truth of timbre). Etc.
I just ordered the Callisto. I own the Europa so hopefully I will be able to post some feedback on the improvements the Callisto offers over the Europa. It may be awhile as I don't even have them yet and of course I want to give them a good breakin.
Drubin, I don't know how to describe "hall position". What I do addition to increased bottom end, the music has more weight: piano notes are more defined, male and female voices have more body. They seem to dissapear, as I face my system, I can't tell that the sound is coming from the speakers, it sounds like its as wide as my room.
I have owned the Callisto's since Oct. 2004 and I am done looking for speakers. It is nice to have a speaker that is so enjoyable to listen to the music. The sound not only fills my room, I can turn them up and work in another part of the house and enjoy the music. I have listened to more music, bought more music and am now enjoying doing little tweaks to my system with power cords and tubes. I did not know Green Mountain Audio before the Rocky Mountain Audiofest. I was sold on the sound alone. Now that I know the company and designer Roy Johnson, I am compelled to share what I hear in their great sounding speakers. Hearing the music all over again has made this journey well worth my time. Enjoy!