Best Proac monitor

I have not heard the Proac line and I am curious as to which monitor sounds best. They seem to have a cult following and understand some models are preferred. I currently own the JMR Trente which I am very happy with.
Thanks for your input.
I've owned both the Response 1SC and Tablette 50 Signature for over three years.

Generally, speaking the Tab 50 Sig is a faster, livier speaker than the 1SC. I think it images better as well. The 1SC is more settled and less likely to get ruffled during complex passages, and it has slightly better bass.

As to which is the best, I think it comes down more to which you'd prefer. A lot also has to do with your associated equipment and your taste in music and presentation.
Rub, I voted with my $1,700 plus tax and got new Tablette 2000 Signatures when they first came out in 1999. My dealer carried Proac but didn't have any Sigs on display. Compared to the Response Series' specification the Sigs seemed to offer everything they did but at a lower price. It was like discovering a marketing error. I listened to the 1.5's and the regular Tablette 2000. I ordered the Sigs unheard and unseen.

Proac's introductory blurb for them says: The Ultimate in Compact Loudspeaker Design. By comparison, the pricier Response One SC blurb reads: An Exciting Breakthrough in Miniature Loudspeaker Performance. The 2000 Sigs are bigger, have the same tweeter, same binding posts and only come in veneers that cost extra in the Response Series. But here's the real testimonial: when I'm online I never look for speakers. Six years in and I'm still happy. If you're looking to join a cult you could pick a worse one.
Rockvirgo, that IS interesting.

While the Response and Studio lines seem to have greater differences, the Tablette line seems like an odd offshoot in that lower price wasn't associated with lower performance.