Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?

I've never owned a pair of speakers that I have not listened to before hand...do you guys trust and buy on opinion? If so, have you experienced any great "let down".

I've bought over twenty pair of speakers over the net without listening to them and have only been burned thrice. I'll go ahaead and name them...Newform Research R630, Adire Audio HE 10.1, and some Rocket moitors. The Newforms were in a hard room but sounded very bright and probably would always sound thin. Sold after two months. The HE 10.1 sounded dull as can be, not even close to the EFE T-22 they replaced. I returned them for full refund. the Rockets were truly horrible. Super bright.

I've also had great success buying sight unseen. Maggie MMG's, Audiovecter M-1 Supers(awesome), ACI Emeralds, BG Radia 520 DX, Reynaud Twins, EFE T-22, and Green Mountain Europa's.

As far as I'm concerned the best part of this hobby is getting new stuff in the mail. The excitment factor makes it all worthwhile. You can always sell it on Agon for a slight loss. It's worth the hit.

Gymane, the speakers should be in in a month. I've got the Crown on ice! See you then.(<:

Personally, I feel that purchasing speakers, or any component without listening to it is asking for disappointment. You may be lucky, as some of those above have testified, but you are quite likely to be unlucky at some point.

Years ago, I was a campus representative for an audio equipment dealer that had people selling out of a catalog. It didn't take me long to have a few dissatisfied customers, despite their having purchased good equipment, because the sound didn't satisfy their expectations. I discovered that stocking a few representative pieces from my major lines, and letting potential customers audition various systems at my apartment effectively dealt with this situation.

Since an audio system strongly reflects the aesthetic sensibilities of its owner, its difficult to achieve satisfaction by buying audio equipment as you would a dishwasher. While expert opinion can be helpful in winnowing through a huge marketplace full of stuff to assemble a short list of candidates, only your opinion is going to matter when everything comes together.

If you have no local access to the audio marketplace, I would strongly urge you to establish a relationship with the manufacturers and dealers that have an at-home audition policy. You can order the equipment through the mail, audition it at home, and in that manner decide if the component(s) is suitable. These establishments will allow you to return the component for a refund if it is not suitable.
Cool Pete..I'll be ready. I will bring the Clari T Amp up for an audition as well. I've been told it's a match made in heaven! We shall see.
I agree with ya Pete..the only way to truly know what sound your looking for, is to listen to as much gear as possible in your own home.
It can cost you but it sure is fun to do.

Good Listening!
After reading reviews for 6 years, I bought a pair of nOrh speakers without hearing them. They're more placement senstive in my room than some others claimed, but I'm quite happy with them.
I live in a smaller city and had just brought home a pair of the new B&W 805S to demo. I had listened to them for 8 hours and was ready to buy the next day. I happened to look on Audiogon that same day and saw an incredible deal on Focus Audio FS688 that were not even broken in. I had not heard them (but had read and done much research) and bought them immediately. This may sound cheesy, but I really felt bad telling the dealer here what I had done. They're great people and I know a lot of retailers are being hurt by internet sales.. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and it was to good a deal to pass up. I was lucky.. these speakers are the nicest monitors I have heard and far exceeded my expectations.