DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
You're absolutely right, Marco. I've been tryin' to kick the habit, but I find there's nothing betterthancrack.
unbelievable! and i thought there was an age limit before you can create a response to a thread. reading a couple of the responses above, i guess the manufacturers didn't get the email that stated they were foolish to create speaker systems so expensive, like the wilson watt puppy's and maxx, sonus faber stradavarius, krell lat, martin logan, rockports, and many others. people might go broke because they have to sell all of their belongings to buy these speakers. a lot of kids will not be attending college because their parents invested their savings into a pair of speakers.
how many times do we read reviews from stereophile and others that claim the piece of equipment they are currently listening to is the best they ever heard? more times than stating the piece is a piece of junk. $25k is a whole lot cheaper than many other speaker systems out there. does it sound better than the others? don't know. but i really don't care either. as for people bashing a speaker system that might not work with a 2 watt amp, 99% of the speakers made would not work with a 2 watt amp, so what does that mean? i guess i better sell my $4k speakers because they don't work with 2 watt amps, not even 125 watt amps.
The X Dream is a unique product that, given it's price, will interest less than 2% of the respondants on the page, if they fit within the normal demographics, so that may be worth some thought
Is this what you were referring to, Rbstehno? I missed the part about a 2 watt amp. I can't imagine someone dismissing a speaker because it won't mate up with a 2 watt amp. As you say, most don't.
unbelievable too...i thought that there was an intelligence limit before posting threads here and obviously the people eho think we are all just out to get DK should realize that it is not the product so much as the marketing tactics that we are calling attention to.