totem arro or rainmaker or von schweikert vr1

I am a college student getting into my first real audiophile system, i have a budget of only about 1500 for amp and speaker, and that is sort of pushing it. I am considering a set of totem arros or rainmakers or possibly a set of von schweikert VR1. Each of which i can find for around 700 or so on audiogon. as far as amplification im leaning towards a musical fidelity x-150 or maybe saving some money and getting an NAD c320bee or c352 or Cambridge Audio 640A. IF anyone has experience with any of these combinations or if you have any suggestions considering my budget i would apreciate all feedback good bad and ugly
Thank you
I had great sucess with 22wpc triode with Arros in a room 11*13, so much that I almost popped the woofer out! As a rule of thumb, tube power is as efficient as solid state power divided 2 to 2.5 (this is not universal but pretty close). So, if I were you, given the outstanding ability of Arros to pass the quality (and defetcs) of upstream components, I would go quality watts vs. quantity. Find a strong clean 30wpc tube integrated and you will be set.
A fine music system can be built using the NAD C320BEE and the B&W DM302. I used this combination before and it is musical and detailed enough for thorough enjoyment, but this is not a "crank up loud" combination. This combo can be bought used for under $500 total (good news). Spend the rest on seeing the world and widening your horizons. When you make a lot of money later, you can always get a nice system then.
Hi Robferg,

SInce you are interested in maybe a Jolida amp I though I'll chime in here.

From what I have heard from some users on Audioasylum, the Arros should
be a fairly good match with a Jolida amp if you are interested in going that
route. I own a Jolida amp and have listened to the Arro's but never heard
them toghether though. Also there are some people using the Arros with a
Primaluna amp which should be a nice combination as well.

Other possibilities I can recommend which are just in your budget:

Jolida 302b ($800)
Omega Super3 ($550)
(later add a subwoofer like Acoustic Visions MRS10)


Jolida 302b ($800)
Spendor S3/5 ($650 used)


Redwine Clari T-amp
Omega Super 3 or Omega Mini Me
(check out: Omega and Clari T)

The first two combinations I have listened to in person, the last one gets
many recommendation right now. As for speaker cable the above mentioned
Speltz Anti cables would work very well in these systems.

The Arros are smaller and you won't need speaker stands. Also, they do have
more extension in the bass compared to the Omega's speakers, but the
speed, tranparency, openess, and coherence of the Omega's is unbelievable
in this price range.

Good luck building a nice system.

I would highly recommend a PrimaLuna to power your Arro's with, it is a magical presentation! See my system for more details. Good Luck!!!
do you think a 40 watt jolida integrated, the 202, would be sufficient to push the 4 ohm load presented by the arros, i realize that jolida is probaly not the most 'strong and clean' tube amp that you were suggesting but it is about the only tube amp that fits my budget. Do you think i might be happier with the jolida or a musical fidelity x-150 integrated solid state. This is a good sounding amp in my opinion i had to opportunity to hear it on a cheaper pair of B&Ws and it sounded great.