Do Audiophiles blow speakers?

Ok so I am bored and curious, I have never and probably never will over-drive an amp or blow speakers....but I want to know if this happens with trained listeners or is mostly done by the masses of listeners who dont care about critical listening?
I know that lack of amp power usually blows a speaker, I just thought some stories would make for good reading.
Blew up the crossovers on my Martin Logan Quest Z's, and totally fried the woofers on a pair of Spica Angelus. In both cases I was having a party and let others control the volume. Live and learn, I haven't let anyone touch my system in 10 years.
I Once blew the tweeters in a pair of Cerwin Vegas with an NAD 3020 amp when I was in high school.

I also bottomed the woofers hard (CRACK!) in a pair of Paradigm Studio Monitors with an Adcom 5800 four years ago. The woofers were undamaged though, and the speakers are still in service.
I left my tube amp on in the morning because i was going to listen later, left the house and came back an hour later to hear a very loud hum before i even opened the door! One tube went bad, caused a low freq hum in the right channel, and took out a woofer on my 1 month old speakers! My tenants upstairs thought a spacecraft was in my living room!