Speaker upgrade

I am planning on upgrading my speakers. I have the following equipment:

B & W 802N speakers
Jeff Rowland M301 amps
Jeff Rowland Synergi IIi preamp
Wadia 270 SE tansport
Harmonix 777 DAC
Audio Magic Power conditioners

I listen to mostly female and male voaclists and older jazz. I am currently happy with the sound that I am getting but I have extra funds at this time and want to upgrade my speakers. My budget is around $10,000. I will sell the speakers after I sell the new ones and use that money to buy the Jeff Rowland 302 amp. What is out there that is a must audition speaker for a 15' x 30' listening sapce? Thanks again for any suggestions.
If you like female/male voices and jazz,to me this puts you into a Kharma ceramiqe series loudspeaker.They don't get any better for that type stuff.I enjoy my 1.0 Kharmas very much.Just right for what i listen too. I know they are not cheap but nothing is these days.There are are usually some good deals around if your patient.Unfortunately everyones expectations are different so live demos are the best way to go if possible.Don't trust any elses ears but yours.
I would have to strongly disagree with Asonicyouth on JMlabs. I own a pair of Micro-Utopias and they are anything but boomy. They sound fantastic on vocals, so much so that if I ever have the budget I wouldn't hesitate to upgrade within the line, they're that good.
For vocals especially female, the most neutral speakers I have heard are the Wisdom Audio line up. There are a few M-50's for a bargain in the classified and with the left over money you could buy another Rowland 302 amp. But you will need to bi-amp them with the active brain. The M-50's have phenomenal sound when it is set up properly and "tuned" to the room.
For my experience, I would also suggest the JM labs. Not sure what equipment or room set-up Asonicyouth listened to with the Focals, but my Micro Utopia Be's are singing sweet music with my Ayre V1xe, BAT 51SE, and Ayre CDP in a near-field listening environment.