A book shelf speaker to go on a bookshelf.

I am looking for a high quality speaker that can actually sit on a bookshelf near to a back wall as I no longer have room for a standmount.Any experience or ideas please.

I've tried a lot of bookshelf speakers, my preference is Totem Rokk monitors. No longer in production, you should be able to find a pair for less than $400 on the used market.
Allison has a wonderful speaker designed expressly to sit on a shelf. Has excellent bass response. It is not inexpensive; think it is around 2500/pr.

Linn Tukans do well on a shelf, too, and placed near a rear wall as they were designed with this in mind. The Tukan is one of the better true bookshelf sized moniters out there and s/b about 500/pr used.
A recent copy of the Absolute Sound had an article featuring a speaker which was engineered to go on a bookshelf. I think the article was earlier this year or late last year and I think they were North Creek Audio speakers.

Might be worth tracking down the issue.


Reasonable price for the speakers under a grand, new.

this is the TAS article.
Richard Bischoff