Von Schweikert DB99 or Vandersteen 5A ??

Dealers in my area don't carry these models.

I'm sure they're both excellent, but how about some feedback from folks that heard both or owners of either ?

PM me- the guy I bought the DB99's from is in MI he may be able to help you with listening to a pair.
>My local VSA dealer offered me a reasonable price if I committed to the DB99 so that he'd get to hear them. A little bit frustrating.<

A little bit indeed. If he is serious about selling this speaker, he should not balk at getting a pair in to demo. Sounds like more of a hobby for him than a way to pay the mortgage.

So NOW my local dealer says he can get a DB99 demo in after CES. Am I obligated to but from him (I'd say not necessarily)? I also just heard about a new horn/hybrid from Consonance:
Any thoughts? I'm happy to keep drinking from the wisdom pool out there.