Klipschorn: Still relevant??

I'm interested in stirring the pot which is my current system. Please see my system for more details but, in summary, I'm conteplating moving from a Cary beam power/triode & Von Schweikert VR4JR based system to a SET/Klipschorn system.

In general, would you consider the move to be "better" or just different. Or worse?? Better being defined as higher fidelity for most types of acoustic music.

Really curious. Your opinion matters! I have to buy most of my equipment without hearing it and have to rely on reputations, opinions, reviews, etc.

I am a Magnepan guy. There I said it. But the first thing that I will buy when I build my home addition next year, which is really just a meadia room, is a pair of Klipschorns, and some McIntosh gear to drive it. What a great sound, best rock speakers ever built. I will keep my Maggies, maybe even move up to the holy grail of the 20.1's, but I have longed for the Klipschorns for years, and can't wait to get them. So I will have a 2 dedicated 2 channel systems that sound completely different? So shoot me. These are still a great speaker, as are Tannoy's, the old Bose 901's, AR1 - 3, Quad 57's, 63, 988, 988. In a subjective hobby such as this some iconic items retain their luster because they earned their accolades. Would anyone not want to drive a perfectly kept 63 Corvette, or mid 60's Astin Martin?? That's a better analogy.
Yes! I'm definitely changing. My equipment is listed right now. However, that particular pair of Klipshorns I was interested in are no longer available. :^(