Wife Acceptance Factor

I hear alot about Wife Acceptance Factor when it comes to equipment. I'm getting married in 6 months. Fortunately, my fiance is pretty accepting of the hobby. Just curious about all those guys out there who have a family and are still allowed to invest their spending money almost entirely on audio equipment. After you get married, do most women step in and try to squash spending on this hobby? Opinions welcome!!!
Have "Yours", "Hers" and "Our" accounts. Don't be afraid to get "Cut Off" if she gets mad about something. Show he now that your balls are made from steel and not ground meat.
In every relationship, there's a "Male" and "Female".
Have "Yours", "Hers" and "Our" accounts. Don't be afraid to get "Cut Off" if she gets mad about something. Show her now that your balls are made from steel and not ground meat.
In every relationship, there's a "Male" and "Female".
A quick read-through of this thread reveals only one or two men who have reasonable and happy relationships with their wives, at least in the areas surrounding their audiophilia. All the rest (25? 30?) are mostly in the "Be a man!" or "I just don't tell my wife" category. While I have no doubt that Audiogoners are a breed apart from the general population (in both good and bad ways!), I find the majority opinion here a little disturbing.

My wife happens to be a bibliophile rather than an audiophile. She buys lots of books, some she'll only read once, and some which I read also. I buy LPs and CDs, some that only I care about, and some that she loves. We both use the audio rig, which is in the living room we share on a daily basis, and she's as happy to have wonderful music as I am. I don't go wild with the hardware, and she helps me audition every piece that cycles through.

Place me squarely in the reasonable and happy category.
"Be a man ... Show her your balls are made of steel...good riddance...etc."
You married your wife, right? There is some love there, right? There is some mutual respect there, right?
Most of you guys sound like a group of teenage boys talking about how tough you are.