Room size? This will be most important issue. If your room is not big enough fullrange speaker will overblown it.
I second Kops and Raquel, both used Amati Hommage and Mahler are good choices...
Krell Resolution 1 is also good choice($12000/p)but your 4B-SST might be too weak. It is producing really excellent deep and tight bass.
You have truly statement level monitor so it will be difficult to find all that hyper detail+deep bass in $10K range...
I second Kops and Raquel, both used Amati Hommage and Mahler are good choices...
Krell Resolution 1 is also good choice($12000/p)but your 4B-SST might be too weak. It is producing really excellent deep and tight bass.
You have truly statement level monitor so it will be difficult to find all that hyper detail+deep bass in $10K range...