Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?

I've been around audio my entire life. I'm 45 and I bought a decent Technics system when I was 12 with my paper route money. Genesis speakers built in New England which were actually pretty darned good. I would spin vinyl every single day to the point it drive my parents crazy. My buddies father had a McIntosh system that I was in love with and he was allowed to play it. It was haunting for me to hear his fathers system.

Fast forward 28 years later and I'm perplexed at the hatred I see posted online about McIntosh. Is it really that bad or is everyone upset that McIntosh is so successful? It doesn't make sense to me that the resale value is the best in the business yet audiophiles bash them. I personally have always loved their gear and sound. I don't own any, and probably never will. Still, I just don't get it. I've always admired McIntosh. Looks aside, I always enjoyed the music. Can someone tell me that they're junk or do you just not like the presentation?
The, (useless), blue VU meters are a BIG reason people buy Mc and one of the main reasons I don't like Mc. It's just smoke and mirrors, kitsch, gimmick....whatever you want to call it. They have definitely fallen into the Harley syndrome. Overpriced and under performing. That's cool if someone wants to buy it. To each his own. But they make themselves a target for attack when they won't stop insisting they are the best. They invite criticism.
Every company says they are the best, and your other comments are just regurgitated drivel that others have said many times before. They are one of the many flavors out there and Mac is one of them, and one of the more reliable ones at that.

Yes the big blue power meters are a bit Arnold Schwarzenegger'ish.

But to use transistors all the way through on many of their big power amps, and then to whack an output transformer at the end is just nutz, to me anyway.

Cheers George
Georgelofi, transformers on solid state gear is much like the "safety factor" in civil engineering. But it ruins the sound of its life.
Georgelofi and Tbg,
Please tell the rest of us which pieces you have owned and used in your own systems that that led you to these conclusions.