Comparison of $11,000 - $15,000 reference speakers

Looking for some feedback on speakers in the $11,000-$15,000 range used (pre-listen seems like an appropriate term if selling with a mercedes). The current rig consists of the Aero Capitole MKll CD Player, Jeff Rowland 302 Amp, JR Synergy11i Pre and N802's. My short list of speaker upgrades are:
N800's (non-diamond)
Sonus Faber Amati's
Kharma CRM-3.2's
or if willining to spend a couple extra $$
Talon Firebirds
Has anyone spent any time listening to and or comparing these models?
How about recommendations on synery with my existing equiptment?
ATC Anniversay 50's are in that range. They are Awesome sounding and a great value. They are the second best speaker I have every heard.
The Kharma line are pretty wonderful...really amzing speakers, subs etc...So are the Piegas. That said I was also impressed by the B&W 800-D line (and I'm not normally a B&W fan). With Kharma adding the sub...I think you will go beyond the 15k...After extensive listening last summer I ended up with $4500 pair of Hyperion 938's....seemed the best bet unless going over 20K.
Thanks for all of the responses. I have decided to go with the Avalon Eidolon's. After auditioning the new BW 800D's, Vanderteen 5a's, Ariel 20T's and Andra's; the Avalon's were a hands down favorite.
Wow that's pretty good company can you tell us what made you go with the Avalons?
Great choice Gocubs999! Wish you all the best with them. Be sure to follow the break-in instructions and enjoy.
