Do people don't care or don't know?

I am told that that audiophiles like us are a dying breed but after occasionally having my non-audiophiles friends coming over my place, without exception all of them were very impressed and all wanted to have a system like mine. But the financial burden and spousal disapproval are what usually hold them back from the purchase. One evening a friend of mine told me that after having listen to a supposedly 70K system, he wanted to cry because the music and sound really touched his heart.

So I guess most people are just not awared of what a good system should sound like and are deprived of some good music.
__________"So I guess most people
__________ are just not aware of
__________ what a good system should
__________ sound like and are deprived
__________ of some good music."

Your statement above also applies to most audiophiles.
what astounds me is how good the cheap equipment now is

people don't know that for about 1700$ you can have something that will bring far more satistaction than the 1500 computor, 400 dollar ipod, and hundreds for compressed to hell downloaded mp3 mp4 crap. i have the dared vp-16 (359$), the mmf-5 tt (600), the heart cd player (i payed 750) and a wright preamp (900) driving ciare ch 250 open baffles. to do it over i would use a onix cd (300) and a hagerman bugle (200) saving 1150.

also a shame that the houses are not built with acoustics in mind. the dumbass magazines do a disservice to themselves picturing midfi equipment in hard modern ultraclean rooms glass,hardwood floors, and vast expanses of wallboard. the american livingrooms could be so much better for sound than the small european parlours but nobody has clue one.

Beauty is in the in eye of the beholder. One system may sound horrible to you but, be the next person's perfect system. If there was such a thing as a perfect system, wouldn't every audiophile have one?
I agree with Mor2bz that nowaday a good system can be had for a relatively cheap price. And if you want to purchase used, the cost can be as much as half as new. It's hard to imagine money is a factor since you know ther sort of things people are buying nowaday. I think we are more or less done with the SUV buying craze (thanks to the rising gas price) so I can only imagine what's going to be next.

I personally don't know anyone who doesn't like music (whatever music they may prefer) and it's only logical (assuming that people are logical) that people would want a cool system to make music listening more enjoyable. Those who say they don't care either are lying or too ignorant/insecure to admit so since I do know people who is afraid (for lack of a better word) of classical music much like sunlight to vampires.

Every audiophile does have one! It is just composed of different manufacturers, different models and years in different combinations. With the option to change as perfection changes! SIMPLE?!