Vandersteen 1C - Best Integrated For Vinyl Lovers?

Can anyone out there please provide a suggestion or two for an integrated amp which will work nicely with Vandersteen 1C's - particularly for vinyl listening?

I'm open to pretty much anything used/new costing up to $1K - I listen to quite a lot of electric guitar music, so having a good solid low end would be my main concern.

Currently using a Nakamichi SR-3A with a Rotel RP-955 turntable, which certainly sounds pleasing - I just wish I wouldn't have to turn it up so loud to feel the bass properly. This is only the case when listening to vinyl, and not CD's. Subs are not an option due to the room size.

Any help is appreciated!
I'm listening to a pair of 1B's with a Cayin TA-30 right now , plenty of power and I'm very pleased with the sound of Vinyl and CD's. I would highly recommend a tube integrated as they didn't impress me when I heard them with a SS amp. That said they are not a speaker which you will get really heavy bass from as they don't go that low. You also might want to list your turntable setup as that may have something to do with it.
here are a couple of my sugessions...........
meridian 551 with phono stage....650-800 used,
bryston b-60 with phono...800-1000,
My local dealer uses Rega power with Vandies...even the Brio would be a good match...I heard this combo...very impressive....regardless of price...and the Brio has a decent phono stage...much better than curent Rotel...
Let me address my response, (especially to Kehut and Tsugury) about Vandersteen 1C's and amps. I ran a post similar to the above about a month ago. Unfortunately my "experience" with these speakers driven by Musical Fidelity X-150 integrated is moving toward the negative column and here is why. First, it might just be that this speaker does not take well to SS amps, even ones priced about $1000-1200. On the positive side, the sound is extraordinaryly dynamic, but also congested and at times to "in your face" and the highs are often edgy. I realize it could be my set-up, but I think I know enough about about audio that the problem seems either speaker or amp related. I recently played two old favorites from my CD collection and the sound did not make me smile. One was The "Last Waltz" by the Band. It was almost unlistenable on my cuurent setup, especially the wonderful Doctor John tune "Such a Night"----this was not the case with other speakers like B&W, Green Mountain, and even the noble Large Advent which i have owned!!! Also, I played the "gold" Mobile Fidelity reissue of of "Layla"---not a great recording in its original form., but it still sounded better on other speakers I have owned.... If I go with a "tube" integrated, I don't want "flea" power meaning 35 RMS or less which seems anemic to me. So, again, I request the membership to suggest some "tube" amp options with more watts than above and also consideration of decent to good phono stage. I also own some vintage vinyl... Finally, Maybe, I just bought the wrong speaker for my (diminishing) audio needs; that is, should have spent more money for either the Vandy 2C's, or gone in a different speaker direction. Though, I was trying to economize and get the biggest bang for my buck by buying thw 1C's Thanks to all, Jim
Wow, vandy's "in your face." I've never experienced that with mine, and have had them for 6 years now. I use a sim audio I-5 (ss) amp, and listen to rock, acoustic rock and trip hop. Interesting. Different strokes...

- walkman