Care for Painted Speakers

As an owner of WP6s, I'm fortunate to have speakers that, if properly maintained, are quite attractive.

while i've yet to find the right formula for removing surface imperfections (i.e. in the clear coat covering the base paint), i can say from experience that the following are all gravy for maintenance of its paint:

ivory liquid soap for washing the speakers
zaino brothers automotive wax #2

speakers never looked better. i just need to find something to get imperfections in the clear coat out...any ideas?

My experience is, Flash by Malco is the best product for this job.

Although I have not used Flash on Wilson speakers, I used it on the new Maxxhorn speakers (ultra gloss black) during photo sessions for CES literature and it worked better than any other product we could find (including wax samples sent by the shop that painted the speakers).

Problem with Flash is finding it. It is typically not sold in automotive stores. I have been using it for more than 20 years and always have to search (Google or whoever) to find an automotive dealership or wholesaler who stocks it.

Here are my results for today, good luck with your project.
How deep are the imperfections? My speakers have soft clear coat (I think lacquer). I have to look up the exact information but one is 3M swirl remover I got from Manny's Auto Supply, a semi-professional parts dealer. It puts a mirror polish in the lacquer. Or also scratch out. You should be pretty safe using this stuff.
For deeper marks you can look into 1,500 grit or finer wet sanding (much better than dry) sandpaper.But if you break through the clearcoat you will be **cked and blending new clearcoat in with the old requires considerable skill IMHO. There is also the possibility the original base paint with new clear coat may not match the original finish/clearcoat.

I offer no gaurantee these will work for you.
I just take my Sophias to the car wash and ask for double spray wax.--Then I play the sound track from "Waterworld".