Thoughts on Egglestonworks Andra II

Listened to a pair recently and was really impressed.
I just have never heard much about them. How do they compare to say the Wilson Watt pupps?
I can't help you with a comparison with Wilson, but as a satisifed ownwer of the Andra IIs, I can confidently tell you that you are "barking up the right tree" for speakers.

The Andras take a bit of work and careful equipment matching to get them to sound their best, but that is part of the fun, and a most rewarding experience (and I have news for you, it doesn't have to be uber-expensive either). If you are looking for speakers that re-create the soundstage instead of merely reproducing sound, seriously consider the Andra IIs.

BTW, I come from the camp the believes the speakers are the most important link in the audio chain, and work backwards from there. Good luck!
Jsmoltz, I agree, I have listened to them on more then a few occasions and found them terrific sounding speakers. They hardly get any attention/press, well they are close to $20000.00, but I think compete with other box enclosure speakers of the high end of audio. Personally, I'm not a great fan of Wilson speakers, also have heard them on many occasions and they never appealed to me, I found the Egglestonworks Andra 2's much more "musical" then the Wilson's. It always boils down to personnal taste and system synergy, not an absolute best for everybody.
Eggleston's are designed to produce "live" sound, dinamically and timbrically correct, yet musical. For this reason they are often used in mastering studios, especially the bigger models. Thanks to their top quality drivers (Dynaudio's and Morel's) they are also very revealing and image incredibly well, as 1markr already said. I didn't have the chance to compare Eggleston's to Wilson's side bi side. Nevertheless, for what I heard in different occasions, I have no doubts: I prefer the Eggleston's, being the only dynamic speakers that give me the same feeling of live performances.