Thoughts on Egglestonworks Andra II

Listened to a pair recently and was really impressed.
I just have never heard much about them. How do they compare to say the Wilson Watt pupps?
Eggleston's are designed to produce "live" sound, dinamically and timbrically correct, yet musical. For this reason they are often used in mastering studios, especially the bigger models. Thanks to their top quality drivers (Dynaudio's and Morel's) they are also very revealing and image incredibly well, as 1markr already said. I didn't have the chance to compare Eggleston's to Wilson's side bi side. Nevertheless, for what I heard in different occasions, I have no doubts: I prefer the Eggleston's, being the only dynamic speakers that give me the same feeling of live performances.
Consider the Andra 1 used, for the money they are
unbeatable,Ive heard 1Markr system who own Andra II,
with the right gear the original are as good as the II.
Ask Jtinn (Agon name), very experience audiophile,
He will guide you on the right path in audio.
Didn't Egglestonworks go bankrupt many years ago? Are they back in bussiness now? Or are they only available used?
They are going very strong! People who cared about the company bought the original owner out (ok, so this is an extremely simplistic statement, since it goes much deeper than this), but they ARE currently manufacturing speakers.

In fact, you will not find much or any Eggletonworks' speakers on the used market since they very rarely show up!
Puunda, there were just a 3 months stop in summer 1999, then the company restarted. At the end of 2001 the new Savoy, based on the top Ivy, was introduced and got great favour. In 2002 there was the introduction of new Andra II (with a fantastic review in the November issue of Stereophile: The Andra II's are still in "class A" of Stereophile. During 2003 a new version of the Fontaine was presented and so the new in wall speakers. For what I know, the company attended all the CES shows (and some HE shows) during these years and so will be with the January 2006 CES. I hope this clarification works for you.