How's aboutnthese new Diamond B&W's???

Haven't yet gotten a chance to hear them but wonderif the extra $3K is worth it.I know thatbthey are supposed togo as low as the regular 802 Nautilus.But they are quite bit bigger with the extra driver and size is an issue in my current room.
Anybody spent any time with them?If you had a amplifier thatb could swing the nasy impedance dip even though they are rated 90db rating so good stable amp.Wonder if they plan an 804N with a bit more depth.Always found just he soundstage let alone the bass made the 803 worth the ea\xtra $1500 but I am of the ilk that if one has money any of the (up to 803) could use a sub to fill things out.
All the best

All the best
I found all of the new B&W's Nautilus (805-800D) an improvement. Not all have diamond tweeters but all of them have improved I think. Warmer sound, easier to listen to for me. More musical. I understand that they have also simplfied the crossover making it a bit easier to drive.
How long does a B&W take to break in?.. I ask as I heard the 803D. The dealer thought it was broken in with @ 80 hours on it. The midrange sounded rough in places, yet bass and the D-tweeter sounded wonderful. To me it is much improved over their previous line and my guess is that the kevlar cone needs more than 80-100 hrs to fully break in.
I feel they take a good 5-6 months, with a lot of playing, before they settle in.
I have listened to the 802D's and was very impressed; smooth response, great imaginging, and well defined. Sinced I haven't heard the previous model I can't tell you whether they are "worth the difference" but they have made the short list on my speaker search. This pair had been on the dealer's floor for several months and had plenty of time on them.
Have gotten great Sterophile review this issue.Wonder if they will offer a hopped up 804 that offers small cabinet yet gives a bit more depth of stage(that is why I thought the 803 was well worth the $1500 over the 804) but offers the Diamond tweeter which Kalman Rubinson say's offers stiff competitoion to most eletrostatics.But the 803D IS $8K and is even bigger than 803 which is s bit large for some rooms.At $5K for a slighly bigger 804 one could ad a $1500+ sub and tell you what even though there isn't much in acoustic music below 35hrz a big sub used properly (sparingly) was worth it with the regular 803.So a Diamond option with the 804 or 805 would be added plus but just like the car makers like the big SUV's it would make sense that B&W would hold off until they could sell the big un's.