Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.

It is one heck of an amp, but I don't go crazy on the volume. A friend who likes to listen a lot louder than I, was able to overdrive the amp. No harm done, but a little scary. Thank goodness I was not there.
I wonder how the Placette passive would sound w/ the Job? The Placette is supposed to be extremely transparent w/o being bright or harsh.
I'm getting a chance in the coming week to hear a JOB 225 driving Maggie 3.7s and Pendragon SEAS, comparison amps include Odyssey Kismet monos and a Plinius. I'll post my observations after the session.
Klh007, your comments on that session will be much appreciated, coming from a Tekton Lore owner.

Please do. I would love to hear how the Job sounds with the Pendragon SEAS.

Thanks, Mick.