Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
I wonder how the Placette passive would sound w/ the Job? The Placette is supposed to be extremely transparent w/o being bright or harsh.
I'm getting a chance in the coming week to hear a JOB 225 driving Maggie 3.7s and Pendragon SEAS, comparison amps include Odyssey Kismet monos and a Plinius. I'll post my observations after the session.
Klh007, your comments on that session will be much appreciated, coming from a Tekton Lore owner.

Please do. I would love to hear how the Job sounds with the Pendragon SEAS.

Thanks, Mick.
I have just finished a weekend pairing a Job with Tekton Lore's.
Very musical. Clear vocals. Quick and tight bass. Nice and punchy. Good soundstage depth. Neutral and evenhanded across the range. Instuments are realistic and have good separation. The best SS amp I've had with the Lore's.