Advice on system and speaker placement-B&W

My system is the following:
B&W N804 speakers
Musical Fidelity a3cr pre
Rotel 1080 Amp (200 watts/channel)
Cary 303-200 CD
Harmonic Tech Truthlink Interconnects
Tara Labs Prime 100 Speaker Cables
System running for three years now and fully broken in

My room is 20 ft wide, 35 foot long and 15ft high, along the right 35' section, there are several large openings into other rooms, along the left side of the 35' opening there is a large opening into the entryway. Speakers are 10 inches off the 20 foot wall and 10 feet apart (I can't move the speakers out further into the room).

My system sounds wonderful on well recorded rock, jazz and classical, but many CDs sound thin and uninvolving, with too much highs. Does anyone have any advice as to how to make my system sound better for the other 65% of my recordings? I have started other threads on this topic, but without the whole story on my room setup. I am skeptical of expensive changes to amp/preamp because my system sounds just great on 35% of my recordings. I could use a sub, i could look at new speakers (i like a rich full sound but with dynamics), or maybe an extra CD player (that is easier on the recordings-but not sure if this would be enough to solve the problem). I know this is a complicated question, but there seem to be many of experienced folks out there. Anyone have a simliar situation or setup and advice? Any help would be appreciated.
You do have a dilema. I would think that the BAT would have smoothed things out. Are there enough dealers near you that you can bring any demos home and try them for a weekend? That way, you can listen in your environment.
Jack, I do listen 15ft from the speakers. Something else that I notice is that once I am further than the 15 ft the speakers sound thinner with less bottom end, so I wonder if the room is being pressurized (maybe a sub?).
Your speaker set up should be an equal-sided triangle (three equal lengths) - speaker to speaker is the base of the triangle, your ear (listening position) to the speaker is one side, your other ear to the other speaker is the third side. You might try positioning the speakers a bit closer together and also bring your listening position in closer so you form a smaller, but equal-sided triangle. Because the metal dome imparts a brighter sound, you don't necessarily want them directed (toed-in) at your ears. Try toeing them out a bit (not actually toed-out - still "toed-in", just not directly at your ears) so the line from the tweeters is directed past your ears. Because your room is so long, you may not be experiencing a harsh return from the back wall (behind your listening position). Even so, it is always a good idea to eliminate a "reflective" back wall with simple treatments (a thick tapestry works well). The distance your speakers are placed away from the wall should have more of an impact on lower frequencies than the highs. However, if you could bring them out just a bit more, you may gain some imaging. Also, do the "slap test". When the room is quite, slap your hands and listen for an echo. Use room treatments to eliminate the slap echo. Don't buy expensive room treatments - be creative (placement of furniture, wall treatments, pillows, etc.) You can also make cheap 1 x 2 frames fitted around some high-density foam and covered with some "artsy" fabric - these make good wall treatments. The idea is to experiment with what you have. Understand that poorly recorded CD’s are always going to sound worse than recordings that have been engineered/recorded well – a down side to this hobby. Oh, and when Judy chimes in here and tells you that it's all because B&W can't build good sounding speakers, just ignore her!!

Good luck.
Jeff, this might sound ridiculous, but with my B&Ws, even increments of 1" can make a difference when you're talking about distance to the back wall. Have you tried moving them out 1 or 2 inches?
> 2chnlben lmao.


I don't know if your CD source has a duel output SS and tube like the 300 has. If it does have you tried the tube output.

I am running a TriVista Tube DAC with a Theta Data Basic II Transport with execelent results.

Otherwise you have received some good advise so far in the previous posts.
